Have you ever wondered why black cats are so closely associated with Halloween?
Hundreds of years ago, our feline friends were declared incarnations of Satan by the pope. As
this belief spread across Europe, it began to tie into other historical horrors. Rumour spread that
witches- and even the devil- could take the form of a black cat. The black plague furthered public fear
of felines, as many people in the Middle Ages believed cats were spreading the plague. No one
wanted a witch, the devil, or the plague to cross their path… so the superstition of a black cat
bringing bad luck was born.
This belief found its way to the Americas and fit right into the Halloween narrative. Any
historian or cat lover can tell you that black cats are anything but bad luck! Today, we honour our
black cats as wonderful companions worthy of love throughout their lives. When it comes to
their passing, we hope to help you express that love through a respectful cremation service.